With over 2,500 people registered to volunteer for the 2010 Arctic Winter Games the Grande Prairie Host Society has met their volunteer recruitment goal – and with less than a week before the Games get underway, organizers have shifted their focus to the important task of accreditation.
Director of Volunteers, Linda Craik says they're thrilled to have reached this important milestone, but the hard work is far from over. Dozens of volunteer Volunteer Coordinators have already spent a lot of time on the phone – calling everyone that's registered to ensure they have completed some crucial steps, and to schedule them for specific jobs and shifts.
"Only once you've cleared your RCMP Clearance, uploaded a photo, and been scheduled for jobs and shifts – can you come to a 'Volunteer Accreditation Day', where you will pick up your volunteer accreditation badge and uniform."
With two of four Accreditation Days completed, and hundreds of badges handed out, President Debbie Reid admits the accreditation process got off to a bit of a bumpy start, but she says the organization is dedicated to rectifying the situation.
"We have faced some challenges with the process, due partially to technical issues and partially because of the number of steps that are required prior to attending an Accreditation Day. But we know where the issues are and are working hard to get everyone to the stage where they can pick up their Accreditation Badge prior to the start of the Games. At this point we're asking our volunteers for a little patience and understanding." Reid says.
Organizers are encouraging those who haven't completed all the steps, or who aren't sure of their status to call 780-538-4777, or visit the Games Office in Ernie‟s Plaza. Remaining Accreditation Days will be held Saturday, February 27 from 10-4, and Tuesday, March 2 from 5-8, at Montrose Cultural Centre (the new library building).
President Debbie Reid admits feeling the swell of pride for these Games in our Community as people finalize their Games Volunteer experience. "We‟re starting to see people around town, not just in Gameswear – but in VOLUNTEER wear, and as the President of this volunteer-driven organization I can say it warms my heart."
For more information contact:
Michelle Dupont, Marketing Assistant
Grande Prairie 2010 Arctic Winter Games Host Society
Phone: 780-538-4777 Cell: 780-296-1004